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The Best Pets as a Good Company for Your Pub

Pets are not only good company for your home, but they can also make excellent company for your pub. They will keep you entertained with their antics and provide a great source of entertainment for the customers that visit your pub. Here is a list of some pets that could be perfect for your pub:

1) Hamsters

These little critters love to explore new environments, which makes them perfect companions to have in an establishment like yours where there is so much going on.

2) Guinea Pigs

These small creatures are often mistaken as rodents but they actually come from South America.

3) Rabbits

Rabbits are social animals which means they need attention every day, but they are also very active which is great for your pub.

4) Cats

Cats are known for being independent creatures, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be great company for your pub. In fact, cats often like to watch the activities going on around them.

5) Dogs

Dogs are the most popular pets in America, and they can also make great company for your pub. You might need a permit from your state or local government to have a dog around, but it will be worth it if you get that kind of attention. Dogs can also provide security for your establishment and keep unwanted guests away. Dogs are great at getting people to socialize, which is perfect for a pub environment. They also tend to make people feel comfortable and relaxed.

6) Fish

Fish are a great option for those who want pets but don’t have the time to take care of them. They also don’t require a lot of space. It’s good to know that fish can be very entertaining and great for aesthetic purposes.

So, if you are looking for a new companion to keep you and your customers entertained, consider getting a pet! They will provide you with great company and make your pub a happier place for everyone involved.

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Pub Technology: How to Make Your Pub Impressive

Pubs are known for being an excellent place to relax with friends, family and coworkers. However, if you want to take your business to the next level there are a few things that you should consider. The first thing would be investing in some high quality pub technology! Here’s what we suggest:

Smart TVs

These will allow you to stream live broadcasts of sporting events or other popular TV shows. This is great because it allows customers who may not be able to make it home from work on time due to their schedule, but still want access.

LED Lighting

LEDs provide better illumination than old school neon lights and also don’t require change bulbs as often as traditional lighting fixtures do which saves money.

Digital Signage

This is a great way to promote your latest specials, menu items or even TV broadcasts.

Cell Phone Chargers

When customers are in the pub they’re likely going to be using their cell phones quite frequently. To ensure that everyone has access and no one runs out of battery power we suggest investing in some cell phone chargers.


This is a must have for any pub. Make sure to invest in a good wifi router and password to keep your customers connected.

Digital Menu

This is great because it allows customers to see exactly what your pub has to offer.

Tableside Ordering

This is perfect for pubs that serve food, as you can easily allow customers order directly from their table and not have to wait on staff.

These are just a few ideas to get you started, but there are many more high-tech options available on the market today!