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Running a Pub and Keeping the Dog Happy: The Best Tips for Peace of Mind

If you are running a pub and you love your dog, then the last thing that you want to do when it is time to close up for the night is leave them at home. This blog post shares some tips on how to keep your dog happy while also closing down the bar in peace.

Train them to sit and stay

The first step to keeping your dog at peace while closing up for the night is to train them how to sit and stay. This isn’t an overnight training session, but instead can be done over a period of time so that they get used to staying in one place if necessary.

Bring along their favorite bed

If you have to leave your dog at home for the night, then bring their favorite bed along with you. This way they will feel more comfortable and can still enjoy some company while you are away.

Give them a treat

One of the best ways to keep your dog happy while keeping up on closing duties is by giving them one or two treats before leaving. They will be distracted enough with this that they won’t follow you around the house while trying to do your work.

Bring them along

If possible, then bring your dog along on pub trips during slow hours or when there are only a few customers at the bar. This way not only is their company appreciated but also helps keep an eye on them to make sure they don’t get into any trouble.

Set up a dog bed

While working, the last thing that you want is your pup sleeping on top of important papers or paperwork. Setting up a dog bed next to where you work allows them their space without taking over yours as well. This way it seems like both sides are happy!

Invest for a wireless dog fence

If you are looking for a way to keep your dog happy while also keeping them at home, then the best solution is by investing in an electric dog fence. This will allow them their freedom but can be programmed so that they cannot leave or go outside of certain parts of the house without being zapped first.

Follow these tips and you will be able to keep your pup happy while also having a peace of mind when it is closing time. As long as they have their bed, treats, and the company of being with you most nights then there shouldn’t be any problems!